Reviews & comments
It's quite a long time to have communication with you...hope u & everyone in your family is safe &
doing well in this period of global crisis....
I came to know that now you are going to start your own venture for betterment & welfare of the
society (people). Till date , concepts/ principles taught by you wrt muhurta ; varshphala , prashna
etc , are still existing somewhere in my sub conscious mind . You r a very good teacher & more
so a very generous & kind human being ...
Wish a very best sir for all your future endeavors.....keep rocking & stay blessed forever....

Sparsh Arya
I am feeling really excited rather honoured to put in a few words for you. If you
remember , when we met last year , it was out of my curiosity regarding astrology, asked you
about its origin & background . Being a technocrat / science student , initially I was having some
reservations to believe in astrology but the way you explained all the things was totally mind
boggling . In addition , whatever predictions that you have made while analysing my horoscope
also comes true . Thereafter , I developed immense interest in the indian vedic system /
principles . Thank you so much for imparting me the knowledge through online classes in the
areas namely varshphal ; basics of astrology ; marriage , profession etc . You will be glad to
know that though I'm quite naive to this vast ocean of knowledge, I have decided to pursue it with
a more focused approach. I highly recommend to all the prospective / interested students or
learners who genuinely having interest in exploring the deep secrets of astrology , Amit sir is your
man / teacher to rely on........
Thank you once again for all your time & co-operation for making me aware about this
superscience. All the very best ......

Harsh Gaur
Computer engineer
First of all , Kindly accept my gratitude for imparting me the knowledge in the area of Indian Vedic
Astrology that truly was an eye opener & exhilarating experience. Whenever thought comes into
my mind regarding astrology in the past , I get fascinated with it but learning / gaining exposure
in this area requires the right kind of approach & guidance besides God's grace. Though I tried to
learn various astrological principles on my own but later I found that they are not that much easy
as they look. Then I started looking for a teacher / guide to help me to grasp the concepts in detail
and came in touch with Mr Amit Sharma who is not only an Electrical Engineer & MBA but at
the same time also a certified jyotish acharya from Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan, New Delhi , world
renowned institute. He taught subjects like Dasha & Transit ; Jamini; Profession ; BPHS etc .
After gaining deep insights ; I found the reasons where I was lacking earlier while analyzing the
horoscopes. Now I am able to successfully predict the events . I highly recommend Mr Amit to
any organization or individual for his unmatchable & professional consulting / teaching style
besides deep understanding of the Indian Vedic System".
All the best for all your endeavours in this direction. .....

Sachin Kumar Sharma
How r you......
What to write about you ....its something showing light to the sun.. I remember when I was
struggling for my marriage & some close friend of mine gave your reference...there after rest is
the history...I mean exactly last year in nov. got married to a person having more or less similar
characteristics that you hv told...
I feel myself lucky to come across a person like you who is not only professional in his dealing
with the people but at the same time knows indian vedic astrological principles in & out.. i
strongly recommend amitji for anyone seeking knowledge of Indian astrology
My best wishes always remains with you
Savita Sharma
Pl accept my best wishes for starting out a new venture of your own . It is more so important
because society needs persons like you for its refinement as well as betterment. Following are the
few words / statement in support of my claims :-
"I was having a deep interest in the area of indian vedic astrology but due to professional & other
commitments , time never permits me to pursue my hobby in this area. Then one fine day , I came
to know about Amit ji (who is a certified jyotish acharya from Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan, New
Delhi ) is teaching vedic astrology to the various students. He taught me mundane astrology ;
Ashtakvarga & Muhurata. After learning the concepts & implementing the same , it was really an
eye opening experience for me as I was able to predict the results with an accuracy @70-80%. I
strongly recommend Amit Ji for his pedagogy & clarity of concepts to any institution / individual
working or having deep interest in this area".

Dr. Deepa Sharma
I was having a deep interest in the area of indian vedic astrology but due to professional & other
commitments , time never permits me to pursue my hobby in this area.
But, your teaching of mundane astrology ; Ashtakvarga & Muhurata was really an eye opening
experience for me and it has helped me in significant improvement in my anslysis.
I will definetly recommend you for the pedagogy & clarity of concepts, if someone needs it.
Best wishes

Vijay Barthwal